Frequently Asked Questions

What is hypnosis +

Hypnosis is a deeply relaxed, highly focused state, and everyone can be hypnotized. I consider hypnosis to be the most powerful tool for personal transformation. In a state of hypnosis, you will be as relaxed as you have ever left, yet more alert, just focused alertness, which allows you to make the changes you want in your life, which make your life better as you want it to be.

what hypnosis is not +

Hypnosis is not mind control, nor is it sleep.During a session, the client relaxes into a theta brainwave state just below daydreaming and just above sleep.It's a powerful tool that has been used for personal transformation since the dawn of Ancient Egypt.

How does it feel to be hypnotized? +

It feels great! Hypnosis is a natural state that feels similar to that feeling you get right before you fall asleep at night.

When you awaken, you feel refreshed and revitalized. You just feel as if you are relaxing in a very comfortable space with your eyes closed. You can hear everything my voice, the sounds outside the building, a car going down the street outside, whatever.

Because relaxation is a subjective experience (some people relax at the beach, for others it is chopping wood), so too is what each person feels when in a hypnotic trance. The feeling is the opposite to stress, so you will feel relaxed and calm. One of the simplest expression of the state of hypnosis is .. ‘while your aware of what is happening and going on, you just care to be bothered paying attention’

How do you hypnotize people? +

By bringing you into a deeply relaxed state (almost like a guided meditation) where you are fully aware but focused on the issue you wish to change. Depending on the issue, you may just receive suggesstions as to why and how your behaviour will change, or in the instances that it is a specific event that caused your issue we will revisit it and find a different, more positive way to interpret it, which allows you to change your beliefs and behaviours that the way you wish them to.

Is hypnosis “Mind Control”? +

Not at all. No one under hypnosis can be induced to do anything against his or her will. Whatever moral and ethical codes you hold in a normal waking state will still be in place under hypnosis.

Your unconscious mind job is to protect and help you. Just like you cannot be made to do anything against your moral code, you will not say anything that is embarrassing and will not reveal more than you are comfortable doing. Usually, if a hypnotherapist`s suggestion conflicts with a client’s value system, the client simply brings him or herself up out of hypnosis; they just “wake up.” You are in complete control at all times.

Hypnotherapy is a gentle, loving process and hypnotherapist’s are trained to not judge. You will heal and change in your own timing.

How do I know if I can be hypnotized? +

Everyone can be hypnotized but one has to be willing to do it. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, which means if you want to do it, you will. The very small minority of people who have difficulty in a session are usually those who

a) don’t really want to be hypnotized (perhaps to debunk the idea); or

b) can’t relax and let go enough (perhaps fearing loss of control, which we know is a myth, or fearing the unknown) to go with the experience.

How deep will I go?

Depth of the hypnotic state is an idea that used to be a focal point, but lately the hypnosis community and hypnosis professionals have realized that depth (or not) has little bearing. My view on this is that my clients go as deep (or stay as light) as they need to and what is appropriate for them, and we still get good results.

It is a fact that the more hypnosis one undergoes, the greater and easier one drops down into the altered state. It is a skill and like all skills – improves with practice.

What does hypnosis feel like … or … How can I tell if I’m hypnotized?

Many of us experience a “trance-like” state while being given a good sermon at church, listening to some good music on the radio, reading a gripping novel, or even while watching TV! Here are some personal feelings one may experience when in a hypnotic state:

  1. Physical relaxation (Body muscles feel relaxed).
  2. Fluttering of eyelids when entering and coming out of hypnosis.
  3. Mental relaxation.
  4. General feeling of drowsiness as if ready to doze.
  5. Eyelids heavy (extreme effort to raise them).
  6. Eyes smarting and/or tearing. Remove contacts; they create dryness.
  7. Eyelids locked together, unable to open.
  8. Jaw muscles relaxed.
  9. Teeth unclenched.
  10. Tongue loose and natural. When tense, the tongue goes higher.
  11. Dryness in mouth.
  12. Desire to swallow.
  13. Moisture at corners of mouth.
  14. Desire to scratch an itch, but not sure of doing it.
  15. Twitching or jerking in any part of the body.
  16. Euphoria (state of well-being).
  17. Tingling or numbness in any portion of body.
  18. Heavy feeling in any portion or entire body.
  19. Desire to laugh, smile, giggle, or cry.
  20. Lack of desire to open eyes (relaxation feels too good).
  21. Body warmth or chill.
  22. Feel personal freedom, carefree or uninhibited.
  23. Sexual/sensual stimulation or awareness.
  24. Time distortion (minutes seems like hours and vice versa).
  25. Voice sounds fading in and out.
  26. Letting go as if falling asleep.
  27. Occasional involuntary sigh.
  28. Feeling of lightness.
  29. Feeling of floating.
  30. Partial body detachment as if part of the body is not there.

Can I “get stuck” in a Hypnotic Trance?

No. Again, hypnosis is a very natural and normal state and cannot hold anyone against his or her will. If a client were to go so deep as to enter a truly unconscious state (a very rare occurrence), they would simply go into natural sleep and awaken when they were rested. It is impossible for anyone to be left or lost in hypnosis.

After hypnosis, a person awakens naturally, just as they do after sleep! If the hypnotherapist were to leave before counting them awake, the subject would eventually realize that the session had ended and would awaken on their own. During the session, if there were an emergency, or the subject no longer wished to participate, they could easily awaken themselves at any time and simply stop.

Can hypnosis hurt me?

In over two hundred years of recorded hypnosis history, there is no documented case of anyone being hurt with hypnosis. Hypnosis can only be used in a positive way. If anyone tries to give you suggestions against your morals, religious beliefs or anything you feel strongly about, you could instantly emerge from the state of relaxation on your own.

What’s the difference between self-hypnosis, guided imagery, creative visualization or medithation? Truthfully, there’s not a tremendous difference at all. I believe that the widespread misconceptions about hypnosis have made people afraid to call the process by its rightful name especially in the business environment. “Guided Imagery” or “Previewing” perhaps sound a little less mystical than “Hypnosis” and “Self-Hypnosis.” All of these processes are simply procedures to relax the body and focus the mind. The state you attain can feel similar for each no matter what you choose to call it.

How quickly will I experience results from hypnosis?

There’s a lot of factors at work here. First, and foremost, there’s your motivation level and commitment. If you’re “trying” to quit smoking because your partner has put you up to it, you’re not really all that motivated yourself, now are you?

My advice there: just quit wasting your time and money and be honest. There’s no such thing as “trying to quit.” You’re either ready to be a non-smoker or you’re not. Same is true with just about anything. If your motivation and commitment level is HIGH, you’ll likely experience results straight away or very quickly. If it’s low, you may stop going to the hypnotherapist or stop listening to that new tape long before you see any results. Other factors that determine your success can include your comfort-level and respect for the hypnotherapist you’re working with, as well as the regularity of your hypnosis sessions. Hypnosis is NOT a magic pill. Sorry!

You will actually have to do some WORK along the way, such as attending your hypnotherapy sessions or listening to your self-hypnosis tape on a daily basis. If you are expecting to be “put to sleep” and awaken “never wanting to eat chocolate again,” you’re probably destined for disappointment. It just doesn’t happen that way. On the other hand, I have many clients who quit smoking after my one smoking session, they were what I’d call HIGHLY MOTIVATED and have COMMITMENT.

If at any time you want to emerge from the state of hypnosis, for any reason, you will instantly, naturally open your eyes and become fully alert. No one can keep you in hypnosis against your will.

What if I’m under a doctor’s care or taking medication?

If you have any questions about whether or not hypnosis will help or conflict with a present medical condition, ask you GP.

The interesting reaction of hypnosis on medication is that, over long periods of time, it tends to “potenthate” medication, which means if you’re currently taking medication, after a series of hypnosis sessions you may find that you need less amounts of it, or a lesser strength of the drug. Hypnosis can often complement traditional medical care and better or more informed doctors favor it. It can act as an adjunct to medical treatment.

Can hypnosis help me?

“Helping me get past my fear of public speaking?” “Improving my golf game?” “Helping me relax during exams?”

“Curing my insomnia?” Etc. Let’s put it this way: think for a moment about any issue in your life that you’d like to improve and ask yourself, “Does my mind interact with this issue/activity in any way? Do my thoughts/beliefs affect my performance?

Do my feelings contribute to my experiences in this area? Have I had past experiences that are reinforcing my beliefs/thoughts/emotions in a negative way? Is it my expectationsthat I will NOT get the results I desire?”

Are you getting the picture? The mind, body and emotions are all connected. Therefore, I’m not aware of ANY issue that can not be at least significantly improved/relieved through the regular use of hypnosis.

Hypnosis is used to change attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. It will not make you grow taller or change the color of your eyes or cure cancer. But it will help with emotional states of mind that contribute towards the healing of conditions and works with ‘Attitudes, Beliefs and Behaviors’